Practical information
The Donjon de Rouen
Rue Bouvreuil, 76000 à Rouen
Visit the Donjon every week-end from 10 am to 12.30pm and from 1.30pm to 3pm.
And during school holidays (french schedule) :
Tuesday / Thursday / Friday from 10am to 4:30pm, Wednesday from 10am to 12:30pm, Saturday / Sunday from 10am to 3pm.
Full price: 3€ - Reduced price*: 2.50€ - Tribe price: 10€ (2 adults and 2 children aged 6 to 18)
We are closed from 12:30pm to 1:30pm
For all information requests, please contact us :
- By email to
- By phone on 02 35 52 48 09 (reception of the Historial Jeanne d'Arc) from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10am to 7pm
The complete programme
- Escape Game "Liberate Rouen ! Join the resistance"
- Special holiday programme
- Game nights
- Birthday parties
- Events
- And many more surprises
View the programme
Group visits
Informations et reservations
- by email :
- by phone : 02 35 52 48 02
Special group rate
- €6.50 per person
The various floors of the Donjon de Rouen are not accessible to people with reduced mobility.
- Rue bouvreuil, 76000 ROUEN
- Rue du Donjon, 76000 ROUEN - entrance near the Radisson Blu Hotel
- TEOR T4 Arrêt Gare-rue Verte
- Ligne Fast F2 Arrêt Square Verdrel
- Bus 5, 8, 11, 13 Arrêt Square Verdrel ou 8 Arrêt Gare
- Stations Cy'Clic Gare, Square Verdrel / Beaux-Arts
- Métro Arrêt à Gare Rue Verte
If you can, please use public transport
Paid parking nearby : Gare rue Verte, Espace du Palais.